Enhancing Education: How Nannies Help Little Ones Learn

If your nanny has been with you for a while, you’ve no doubt realized that this person is part of the family – loving, kind, trustworthy and invested in your children’s lives. A nanny is an expert in child care, but they are often skilled in other areas, too, like organizing or baking, or perhaps a second language. The nannies who find assignments through Elite Nannies bring a wide array of professional skills to their positions, and that includes fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for learning.

How, precisely, can the right nanny advance your child’s education?

Read on!

Here are some of the ways a nanny helps your child learn, and how they spark a thirst for knowledge and a yearn for education.

1. Your nanny will create a good learning environment.

If your child doesn’t have their own area set up for school work and studying, leave this to your nanny! They will ensure a proper desk, good lighting and a bookcase are all installed and functional. That way, your child can get to work without distractions like the television pulling their focus away.

2. Your nanny will monitor due dates, test schedules, and more.

Allowing your nanny to supervise your child’s academic calendar is a good way to ensure assignments get finished, tests and exams are prepared for, and all other deadlines at school are met. Your nanny can also keep you apprised of any upcoming parent-teacher conference, science fair, recital, or other school events you’ll want to attend. When the nanny is on top of all the school details, so are you!

3. Your nanny is an experienced homework supervisor.

No doubt your nanny has supervised homework on lots of occasions in her prior positions with other families. Monitoring children who are doing homework and school projects is part of your nanny’s duties. Nannies help foster positive study habits in children, and ensure screen time during homework hours is limited to research for papers, not checking out a friend’s social media feed, filled with recently posted vacation photos!

4. Nannies often know another language and make great tutors.

In today’s modern society, learning a second language is almost a requirement for functioning well in many professions. Does your nanny speak Cantonese, or Mandarin, or Spanish? If so, formally adding tutoring to their roster of duties – and compensating them accordingly, of course – is an excellent way to have help available whenever your child needs attention outside the classroom.

5. Nannies help develop children’s passions outside school.

One way we all learn about what we want to pursue as our professional focus is by learning things when we are young. For example: regular trips to the zoo can trigger an interest in, and a passion for, veterinary medicine or animal husbandry. Every time your nanny takes your child somewhere like the zoo, or the planetarium, or the theater, it’s possible that a seed is planted and a passion takes root. It isn’t solely academics that nannies help children learn; it’s the lessons found everywhere outside the school setting that contribute to their education, too.

6. Nannies know where a child’s strengths are.

If your little one is struggling with math, for example, or history, your nanny may be the first one to spot it. Doing homework together (or simply supervising) is the ideal way to learn if a child has weaknesses that need addressing, and that is often part of a nanny’s job. Does your child have a hard time focusing on the text in a book? It may be that they need reading glasses, or perhaps a mild learning disability has yet to be diagnosed. Watching a child learn – and helping them process information – is how nannies discover where their aptitudes lay, and what areas need attention.

7. Nannies can devise additional homework.

It isn’t only in the classroom that your child gains knowledge. Your nanny can provide them with additional reading material, extra math problems, or design a science quiz to give them on top of their “regular” curriculum, if that’s what you, as a parent, has decided is best. Whatever your wishes are for the academic challenges your child should face are the educational demands your nanny will fulfill.

It is a nanny’s job to help open your child up to the world, in positive, inventive and fun ways that make learning a joy. Whether it is through formal tutoring twice a week, or painting together in a nearby park on Saturdays, your nanny will promote education in all its many, marvelous forms. Ultimately, your child will receive the education you want them to have in a variety of settings and through many, many people, like teachers and, later, professors in college.  And of course through you, their parents.

While they are growing, while they’re learning their ABCs and how to add, your nanny is there to support them and help them do their homework. Nannies also give children lessons in a host of other areas, too, many of which last a lifetime!