How To Conduct An Annual Review: Discuss Your Nanny’s Performance Each Year

Are you a little anxious about sitting down with your nanny to discuss how they’ve performed over the previous year, and what each of you expects over the coming months?

Don’t be – performance reviews are part of virtually every profession, and your nanny is likely looking forward to hearing your assessment. After all, childcare specialists know how important their roles are, and any feedback that helps improve their day to day performance is welcome. They take their responsibilities seriously, and your input makes them better at their job. That is to the betterment of everyone in the family, most particularly the child in their charge.

But what should you address, exactly?

In this article, we offer a roundup of subjects you should tackle when it’s time for your nanny’s annual performance review. If you are professional and pleasant and give your nanny their turn to raise ideas and concerns, both of you should sail through this yearly event.

1. Schedule it on a day that works for both of you.

Give your nanny several days’ notice of the pending review, because they deserve time to consider whether there are subjects they want to raise, such as an increase in compensation or benefits. Choose an afternoon when you can talk privately without feeling rushed, and conduct it like you would any other professional meeting – in a friendly but courteous manner.

2. Don’t discuss the future until you’ve thoroughly reviewed the past.

Rather than digressing between past and future, offer a concise appraisal of the nanny’s performance over the past 12 months. Then, before opening up contract negotiations, ask for their ideas on how the year went. Are the children thriving? Is the family schedule working well for everyone? Have there been hiccups neither of you anticipated? Reviewing the past year together in this way allows you both to open up before talking about changes – if there are any – you would like to put in place.

3. Discuss your thoughts on how duties were performed.

Your nanny’s relationship with your child will be the dominant theme of the performance review; however, other duties must be discussed as well. For example: are you satisfied with the meal prep and education implementation your nanny has done over the past year? If those are part of their contract and there are any problems, this is the moment to express them. Or if your nanny has gone above and beyond their role in handling these responsibilities, be sure to acknowledge that and discuss how you plan to compensate them for going the extra mile.

4. Is your nanny as flexible as you’d hoped?

One of a nanny’s most important attributes is flexibility; it is a job requirement when looking after children! After all, consider how much a child grows and changes over the course of one year. Nannies must be adaptable, quick to deal with change and able to “think on their feet.” Has your nanny met these challenges? For example: if your work schedule has kept you at the office later than usual recently, or you’ve had to travel a lot in the past few months, have you been able to fully rely on your nanny?  How you believe your nanny has come through in this area is a key part of a performance review; honest feedback will help them perform this part of their job more effectively.

5. Are you happy with how the nanny executes your discipline style?

Of course discipline is discussed and decided upon when you hire your nanny, but assess how they’ve done in this regard. Do you feel they are too soft sometimes? Do you worry that occasionally they don’t follow through on consequences you’ve agreed upon, such as restricting screen time if your teen stays out too late while you are away on business? If you expect your nanny to handle your child’s discipline in the same way you would, clarify your wishes. Conversely, if your nanny is consistent, firm and calm with your child, be sure to acknowledge that you think they’re handling the “sticky situations” beautifully and encourage them to continue this way.

6. Talk money and benefits.

An annual review is the appropriate moment for bringing up bonuses, pay raises and benefits. If your nanny has excelled at their job, reward them. If there are shortcomings you feel need addressing before instituting a pay increase, set a time frame for improvement and stick to it. Money can be an awkward topic, we know, but this individual performs a vital role in your household and deserves to be compensated accordingly.

Your nanny’s annual performance review is the time to get everything out on the table, thoroughly, politely and professionally.  It is just as important that you listen to them as it is that they listen to you, because you share a common goal – that your child thrives and is happy, productive and healthy. And because of that shared goal, it’s vital that you pay attention to each other, listen carefully and make any changes both parties feel are necessary and beneficial.  You are employer and employee, of course, but parents and nannies are much more than that. They are bonded by one aim: that the child they love and care for flourishes, and becomes a strong, independent and happy adult. Is there anything in life more important? We don’t think so, either.At Elite Nannies, we are happy to help guide you through your annual review with your nanny. Please contact us at your convenience for a confidential conversation on how we can help.